Political Science (POS)

POS2041  NATIONAL GOVERNMENT  (3.00 Credits)

This course provides a systematic introduction to the political system of the United States of America through the study of theory, principles, policy outcomes, and responsible institutions involved in the formation and operation of American National Government. The course will be organized along four broad fronts: (1) the political founding; (2) political parties and elections; (3) political institutions (e.g., president, Congress, etc.); and (4) policy (e.g., domestic and foreign). POS2041 is a writing credit course. Students must earn a minimum grade of C to meet the requirements of the Gordon Rule for writing.

Total Contact Hrs: 48.00
Lecture Hrs: 48.00
POS2112  STATE & LOCAL GOVERNMENT  (3.00 Credits)

This course provides a systematic introduction to the principles and institutions of American state and local government, with some emphasis on Florida politics. It delves into the structure, functions, and decision-making processes of the 50 states and the more than 85,000 localities (governments) within those states. POS2112 is a writing credit course. Students must earn a minimum grade of C to meet meet the requirements of the Gordon Rule for writing.

Total Contact Hrs: 48.00
Lecture Hrs: 48.00

A study of the basic elements of the U.S. Constitution as they impact society and the individual. Emphasis is placed upon the document's theoretical, as well as, pragmatic applications. Course is taught from perspectives which are primarily historical and cultural.

Total Contact Hrs: 48.00
Lecture Hrs: 48.00

This course of study is designed to provide applied work experience within the political process,either through the private or public sectors. Evaluation of student performance will be based on pre-defined learning objectives and documented with specific information acquired from the student and employer. The student will be expected to commit between 10-20 hours per week to the internship. Instructor or department approval required.

Total Contact Hrs: 144.00
Other Hrs: 144.00