General Business (GEB)


This course provides a basic study of business activity and how it relates to our economic society. Topics covered include how businesses are owned, organized, managed and controlled Course content emphasizes business vocabulary, areas of business specialization, and career opportunities.

Total Contact Hrs: 48.00
Lecture Hrs: 48.00
GEB2112  ENTREPRENEURSHIP  (3.00 Credits)

This course explores the process, skills and attitudes that enables individuals to recognize and seize opportunities, converting them into workable ideas capable of competing for implementation in today's economy. It identifies and reviews important business concepts such as; value creation, products/services, business plans, marketing plans, selling, advertising, human resources, management policies, financial statements, accounting systems, capital management, information technologies, and risk management. It also explores ethical, legal and tax issues associated with business creation and operations.

Total Contact Hrs: 48.00
Lecture Hrs: 48.00
GEB2430  BUSINESS ETHICS  (1.00 Credits)

A brief practical approach to recognizing, understanding, and solving ethical problems confronting today's business people and organizations. Students will review the historical development of ethics, examine a variety of ethical dilemmas, and will practice resolving them through ethical reasoning. Reference to statutory and professional codes will be addressed. Logical and responsible decision-making will be stressed with individual, organizational and societal needs being addressed.

Total Contact Hrs: 16.00
Lecture Hrs: 16.00

This course is designed to allow students to implement the important concepts and techniques used to move from simple to complex visualizations of business data. This is a course in applied data collection and presentation.

Total Contact Hrs: 48.00
Lecture Hrs: 12.00
Lab Hrs: 36.00
Complete all the courses in the following option:
  • Prerequisite: CGS1060C (minimum grade: C)
Complete all the courses in the following option:
  • Prerequisite: CGS1060C (minimum grade: C)
GEB2949  CO OP WORK EXPERIENCE  (3.00 Credits)

A course designed to provide training in a student's field of study through work experience. Students are graded on the basis of documentation of learning acquired as reported by student and employer. Prerequisite: Co-Op Department approval. Students will be assigned specific course prefixes related to their academic major prior to registration. All students must contact the Cooperative Education Office to obtain registration approval.

Total Contact Hrs: 144.00
Other Hrs: 144.00

This course introduces students to communication skills necessary to excel in business environments. Areas include written, oral, non- verbal, and interpersonal comunnication with emphasis on business documents, oral presentations, social media, job search, and cross cultural communication.

Total Contact Hrs: 48.00
Lecture Hrs: 48.00
Complete all the courses in the following option:
  • Prerequisite: ENC1102 (minimum grade: C)
Complete all the courses in the following option:
  • Prerequisite: ENC1102 (minimum grade: C)

A comprehensive coverage of the various tools, documents, and subject materials utilized to start and maintain a small business. This includes the entrepreneurial perspective (challenges, characteristics, self-assessment), starting a new venture/developing the business idea, developing the business/marketing/financial organizational plans, financing the new venture, managing the new venture, and coverage of special issues such as legal, franchising, and international entrepreneurship.

Total Contact Hrs: 48.00
Lecture Hrs: 48.00