Fishery & Aquacultural Science (FAS)

FAS4202C  BIOLOGY OF FISH  (3.00 Credits)

The general biology of fish, with emphasis on trends in their evolution, integrative and sensory biology, physiology, feeding ecology, reproduction, growth and population dynamics as they relate to fisheries.

Total Contact Hrs: 48.00
Lecture Hrs: 40.00
Lab Hrs: 8.00
Complete all the courses in one of the following options:
  • Option 1 - Prerequisite: BSC2011 (minimum grade: C)
  • Option 2 - Prerequisite: ZOO2010 (minimum grade: C)
Complete all the courses in one of the following options:
  • Option 1 - Prerequisite: BSC2011 (minimum grade: C)
  • Option 2 - Prerequisite: ZOO2010 (minimum grade: C)