Art History (ARH)

ARH2000  ART APPRECIATION  (3.00 Credits)

Art Appreciation is a course for non-art majors that introduces a chronological history of art from prehistory to the present. Particular emphasis is placed on understanding painting, sculpture, and architecture through the context of their respective historical periods. ARH2000 is a writing credit course. Students must earn a minimum grade of C to meet the requirements of the Gordon Rule for writing. ARH2000 meets the International/Intercultural competency requirement.

Total Contact Hrs: 48.00
Lecture Hrs: 48.00
ARH2050  WORLD ART HISTORY  (3.00 Credits)

World Art History is a broad chronological survey and critical study of world art and architecture from prehistory through the Medieval period. ARH2050 is a writing credit course. Students must earn a minimum grade of C to meet the requirements of the Gordon Rule for writing. ARH2050 meets the International/Intercultural competency requirement.

Total Contact Hrs: 48.00
Lecture Hrs: 48.00

Art History: Renaissance to Modern is a broad chronological survey and critical study of art and architecture from the Renaissance to the Modern period. ARH2051 is a writing credit course. Students must earn a minimum grade of C to meet the requirements of the Gordon Rule for writing. ARH2051 meets the International/ Intercultural competency requirement.

Total Contact Hrs: 48.00
Lecture Hrs: 48.00