Student Ombudsperson

The web portal for the Office of the Student Ombudsperson is where students can submit concerns online about their BC experience that have gone unresolved. The Office of the Student Ombudsperson will make sure that student concerns are routed properly and that a response is communicated to the student. The Office of the Student Ombudsperson will provide students with guidance about applicable BC policy and procedure and will work with students to resolve even the most difficult issues.

The Student Ombudsperson or designee will assist student requests for exceptions to College academic policies in accordance with College Policy 6Hx2-5.28 (Academic Standards Committee). The College-wide ombudsperson shall render final decisions on Academic Standard's petitions as well as serve as the appellate authority in Student Code of Conduct appeals in accordance with College Policy 6Hx2-5.02 (Student Code of Conduct).

Visit the Office of the Student Ombudsperson for more information.