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Last approved: Fri, 26 Jan 2024 16:23:01 GMT

Last edit: Fri, 26 Jan 2024 16:23:00 GMT

Writing Credit
Elective Flag
  • Critical Thinking
    • CLO 1: 1.0 (1) Conduct an experiment using proper safety procedures, (2) recognize and deal with potentially hazardous situations, (3) demonstrate an understanding for the necessity of safe laboratory procedures, and (4) collaborate with fellow students to perform laboratory experiments.
    • CLO 2: 2.0 Perform experiments correctly and collect data accurately.
    • CLO 3: 3.0 Analyze the data collected for the purpose of forming conclusions. Students will evaluate the data based on ideas learned in lecture and previous knowledge.
    • CLO 4: 4.0 Analyze experiments on dynamic systems. Students will evaluate the experiments based on ideas learned in lecture and previous knowledge.
    • CLO 5: 5.0 Analyze experiments harmonic motion. Students will evaluate the experiments based on ideas learned in lecture and previous knowledge.
    • CLO 6: 6.0 Analyze experiments on the moment of inertia and angular momentum. Students will evaluate the experiments based on ideas learned in lecture and previous knowledge.
  • Ethical Reasoning
    • CLO 1: 1.0 (1) Conduct an experiment using proper safety procedures, (2) recognize and deal with potentially hazardous situations, (3) demonstrate an understanding for the necessity of safe laboratory procedures, and (4) collaborate with fellow students to perform laboratory experiments.
    • CLO 2: 2.0 Perform experiments correctly and collect data accurately.
    • CLO 3: 3.0 Analyze the data collected for the purpose of forming conclusions. Students will evaluate the data based on ideas learned in lecture and previous knowledge.
  • Mathematical & Scientific Reasoning
    • CLO 1: 1.0 (1) Conduct an experiment using proper safety procedures, (2) recognize and deal with potentially hazardous situations, (3) demonstrate an understanding for the necessity of safe laboratory procedures, and (4) collaborate with fellow students to perform laboratory experiments.
    • CLO 2: 2.0 Perform experiments correctly and collect data accurately.
    • CLO 3: 3.0 Analyze the data collected for the purpose of forming conclusions. Students will evaluate the data based on ideas learned in lecture and previous knowledge.
    • CLO 4: 4.0 Analyze experiments on dynamic systems. Students will evaluate the experiments based on ideas learned in lecture and previous knowledge.
    • CLO 5: 5.0 Analyze experiments harmonic motion. Students will evaluate the experiments based on ideas learned in lecture and previous knowledge.
    • CLO 6: 6.0 Analyze experiments on the moment of inertia and angular momentum. Students will evaluate the experiments based on ideas learned in lecture and previous knowledge.
Key: 37