Preview Workflow
Jan 26, 2024 by
Last approved:
Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:48:45 GMT
Last edit:
Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:48:44 GMT
Main Course:
Course Code
Course Title
Effective Term
Writing Credit
Elective Flag
GELO Mapping
Critical Thinking
CLO 1: 1.0 The student shall: be able to identify common rock forming minerals and apply this knowledge to the classification of various rocks.
CLO 2: 2.0 The student shall: be able to read topographic maps and aerial photographs to interpret geologic features and geomorphic processes.
CLO 3: 3.0 The student shall: be able to apply principles of stratigraphy to relative and radiometric dates of geologic events.
CLO 4: 4.0 The student shall: be able to classify and apply fossils to interpretation of depositional environments and utilize fossils for bio-stratigraphic purposes.
CLO 5: 5.0 The student shall: be able to recognize and correlate rock stratigraphic and time stratigraphic units from geologic data.
CLO 6: 6.0 The student shall: be able to recognize and associate accessory stratigraphic features to interpret depositional settings.
CLO 7: 7.0 The student shall: be able to identify geologic structures such as folds and faults on a geologic map and interpret the geologic history.
CLO 8: 8.0 The student shall: be able to interpret paleogeographic maps to draw meaningful conclusions regarding the climate of the represented continental configuration.
Ethical Reasoning
CLO 8: 8.0 The student shall: be able to interpret paleogeographic maps to draw meaningful conclusions regarding the climate of the represented continental configuration.
Mathematical & Scientific Reasoning
CLO 1: 1.0 The student shall: be able to identify common rock forming minerals and apply this knowledge to the classification of various rocks.
CLO 2: 2.0 The student shall: be able to read topographic maps and aerial photographs to interpret geologic features and geomorphic processes.
CLO 3: 3.0 The student shall: be able to apply principles of stratigraphy to relative and radiometric dates of geologic events.
CLO 4: 4.0 The student shall: be able to classify and apply fossils to interpretation of depositional environments and utilize fossils for bio-stratigraphic purposes.
CLO 5: 5.0 The student shall: be able to recognize and correlate rock stratigraphic and time stratigraphic units from geologic data.
CLO 6: 6.0 The student shall: be able to recognize and associate accessory stratigraphic features to interpret depositional settings.
CLO 7: 7.0 The student shall: be able to identify geologic structures such as folds and faults on a geologic map and interpret the geologic history.
CLO 8: 8.0 The student shall: be able to interpret paleogeographic maps to draw meaningful conclusions regarding the climate of the represented continental configuration.
Reviewer Comments
Key: 34