Preview Workflow
Jan 10, 2024 by
Last approved:
Wed, 10 Jan 2024 16:00:16 GMT
Last edit:
Wed, 10 Jan 2024 16:00:15 GMT
Main Course:
Course Code
Course Title
Effective Term
Writing Credit
Elective Flag
GELO Mapping
Critical Thinking
CLO 1: 1.0 The student shall develop strategies for locating and collecting source materials that inform the creative process; employ the use of concrete imagery and other techniques for re-creating experience; and apply strategies of revision to original drafts.
CLO 2: 2.0 The student shall read and examine varieties of fiction, analyzing such elements as plot structure, setting, style, tone, point of view, conflict, character development, and dialogue. The student will compose prose that demonstrates an understanding of various techniques of fiction.
CLO 3: 3.0 The student shall read, and examine elements of poetry such as theme, speaker, figurative language, rhythm, rhyme, meter, tone, and form. The student will create poetry in written form that demonstrates these elements.
CLO 4: 4.0 The student shall read other literary forms such as drama, screenwriting, and creative nonfiction with such sub-genres as plays, dramatic vignettes, autobiography, memoir, meditations, and lyric essays, examining the applicable literary elements as a foundation for creating work that demonstrates these elements.
CLO 5: 5.0 The student shall collaborate with other writers to practice for audiences in real world, culturally diverse contexts.
Ethical Reasoning
CLO 1: 1.0 The student shall develop strategies for locating and collecting source materials that inform the creative process; employ the use of concrete imagery and other techniques for re-creating experience; and apply strategies of revision to original drafts.
CLO 2: 2.0 The student shall read and examine varieties of fiction, analyzing such elements as plot structure, setting, style, tone, point of view, conflict, character development, and dialogue. The student will compose prose that demonstrates an understanding of various techniques of fiction.
CLO 3: 3.0 The student shall read, and examine elements of poetry such as theme, speaker, figurative language, rhythm, rhyme, meter, tone, and form. The student will create poetry in written form that demonstrates these elements.
CLO 4: 4.0 The student shall read other literary forms such as drama, screenwriting, and creative nonfiction with such sub-genres as plays, dramatic vignettes, autobiography, memoir, meditations, and lyric essays, examining the applicable literary elements as a foundation for creating work that demonstrates these elements.
Global Awareness
CLO 1: 1.0 The student shall develop strategies for locating and collecting source materials that inform the creative process; employ the use of concrete imagery and other techniques for re-creating experience; and apply strategies of revision to original drafts.
CLO 2: 2.0 The student shall read and examine varieties of fiction, analyzing such elements as plot structure, setting, style, tone, point of view, conflict, character development, and dialogue. The student will compose prose that demonstrates an understanding of various techniques of fiction.
CLO 3: 3.0 The student shall read, and examine elements of poetry such as theme, speaker, figurative language, rhythm, rhyme, meter, tone, and form. The student will create poetry in written form that demonstrates these elements.
CLO 4: 4.0 The student shall read other literary forms such as drama, screenwriting, and creative nonfiction with such sub-genres as plays, dramatic vignettes, autobiography, memoir, meditations, and lyric essays, examining the applicable literary elements as a foundation for creating work that demonstrates these elements.
Reviewer Comments
Key: 19