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Jan 10, 2024 by
Last approved:
Wed, 10 Jan 2024 15:40:34 GMT
Last edit:
Wed, 10 Jan 2024 15:40:33 GMT
Main Course:
Course Code
Course Title
Effective Term
Writing Credit
Elective Flag
GELO Mapping
Critical Thinking
CLO 1: 1.0 Distinguish the Spanish sound system compared to English and other languages and evaluate its similarities and differences. The students shall be able to identify and generate formal and informal speech as well as nonverbal communication according to the specific social context.
CLO 2: 2.0 Identify and employ a variety of new vocabulary to construct grammatically correct sentences describing self, others, as well as places and things. The vocabulary will illustrate physical, mental and emotional characteristics of individuals, descriptions of places and things related to daily life.
CLO 5: 5.0 Communicate the concept of time, numbers, and weather, and differentiate its specific use in the Hispanic culture.
CLO 6: 6.0 Demonstrate a better understanding of the world and recognize its diversity and commonalities through readings, writing opportunities and class discussions.
Ethical Reasoning
CLO 1: 1.0 Distinguish the Spanish sound system compared to English and other languages and evaluate its similarities and differences. The students shall be able to identify and generate formal and informal speech as well as nonverbal communication according to the specific social context.
CLO 2: 2.0 Identify and employ a variety of new vocabulary to construct grammatically correct sentences describing self, others, as well as places and things. The vocabulary will illustrate physical, mental and emotional characteristics of individuals, descriptions of places and things related to daily life.
CLO 4: 4.0 Use and distinguish the most common idioms necessary for daily communication and compare their linguistic and cultural relevance and differences to other languages.
CLO 5: 5.0 Communicate the concept of time, numbers, and weather, and differentiate its specific use in the Hispanic culture.
CLO 6: 6.0 Demonstrate a better understanding of the world and recognize its diversity and commonalities through readings, writing opportunities and class discussions.
Global Awareness
CLO 1: 1.0 Distinguish the Spanish sound system compared to English and other languages and evaluate its similarities and differences. The students shall be able to identify and generate formal and informal speech as well as nonverbal communication according to the specific social context.
CLO 2: 2.0 Identify and employ a variety of new vocabulary to construct grammatically correct sentences describing self, others, as well as places and things. The vocabulary will illustrate physical, mental and emotional characteristics of individuals, descriptions of places and things related to daily life.
CLO 3: 3.0 Develop a command of the present indicative tense of all regular and most commonly used irregular verb conjugations to express not only personal points of view, but global perspectives and events.
CLO 4: 4.0 Use and distinguish the most common idioms necessary for daily communication and compare their linguistic and cultural relevance and differences to other languages.
CLO 5: 5.0 Communicate the concept of time, numbers, and weather, and differentiate its specific use in the Hispanic culture.
CLO 6: 6.0 Demonstrate a better understanding of the world and recognize its diversity and commonalities through readings, writing opportunities and class discussions.
Reviewer Comments
Key: 17