Preview Workflow
Feb 2, 2024 by
Last approved:
Fri, 02 Feb 2024 15:50:26 GMT
Last edit:
Fri, 02 Feb 2024 15:50:25 GMT
Main Course:
Course Code
Course Title
Effective Term
Writing Credit
Elective Flag
GELO Mapping
Critical Thinking
CLO 1: 1.0 The student shall: be able to clearly communicate in writing, meaningful information derived from course related reading assignments, lectures and lecture demonstrations, and any other methods used to convey subject information (maps, charts, drawings, pictures, paintings, internet sources, graphs, databases, etc.) to meet the required course outcomes benchmarks outlined in Units 2 through 10 of this course outline.
CLO 2: 2.0 Students will be able to identify the major historical figures of geology, list the accomplishments of each, and define and correctly use the basic terms describing the materials and structure of planet Earth.
CLO 3: 3.0 The students should be able to list and identify sedimentary rocks and interpret their mode of formation as they relate to the laws and principles governing the formation of sediments and the processes of sedimentation and lithification.
CLO 4: 4.0 Students will identify the key components of the Theory of Plate Tectonics and will identify it as a unifying theory that has revolutionized geology.
CLO 5: 5.0 Students will be able to understand and discuss how life has changed and diversified through time from ancestors that lived during the past.
CLO 6: 6.0 Students will understand and discuss the development of the Standard Geologic Time Scale and methods for determining absolute ages and relative ages.
CLO 7: 7.0 Students will list and describe the major geologic and biologic events and processes, geography, lifeforms, and global environments of the Precambrian Earth.
CLO 8: 8.0 Students will list and describe the major geologic and biologic events and processes, geography, lifeforms, and global environments of the Paleozoic Earth.
CLO 9: 9.0 Students will list and describe the major geologic and biologic events and processes, geography, lifeforms, and global environment of the Mesozoic Earth.
CLO 10: 10.0 Students will list and describe the major geologic and biologic events and processes, geography, lifeforms, and global environment of the Cenzoic Earth.
Ethical Reasoning
CLO 5: 5.0 Students will be able to understand and discuss how life has changed and diversified through time from ancestors that lived during the past.
CLO 10: 10.0 Students will list and describe the major geologic and biologic events and processes, geography, lifeforms, and global environment of the Cenzoic Earth.
Mathematical & Scientific Reasoning
CLO 1: 1.0 The student shall: be able to clearly communicate in writing, meaningful information derived from course related reading assignments, lectures and lecture demonstrations, and any other methods used to convey subject information (maps, charts, drawings, pictures, paintings, internet sources, graphs, databases, etc.) to meet the required course outcomes benchmarks outlined in Units 2 through 10 of this course outline.
CLO 2: 2.0 Students will be able to identify the major historical figures of geology, list the accomplishments of each, and define and correctly use the basic terms describing the materials and structure of planet Earth.
CLO 3: 3.0 The students should be able to list and identify sedimentary rocks and interpret their mode of formation as they relate to the laws and principles governing the formation of sediments and the processes of sedimentation and lithification.
CLO 4: 4.0 Students will identify the key components of the Theory of Plate Tectonics and will identify it as a unifying theory that has revolutionized geology.
CLO 5: 5.0 Students will be able to understand and discuss how life has changed and diversified through time from ancestors that lived during the past.
CLO 6: 6.0 Students will understand and discuss the development of the Standard Geologic Time Scale and methods for determining absolute ages and relative ages.
CLO 7: 7.0 Students will list and describe the major geologic and biologic events and processes, geography, lifeforms, and global environments of the Precambrian Earth.
CLO 8: 8.0 Students will list and describe the major geologic and biologic events and processes, geography, lifeforms, and global environments of the Paleozoic Earth.
CLO 9: 9.0 Students will list and describe the major geologic and biologic events and processes, geography, lifeforms, and global environment of the Mesozoic Earth.
CLO 10: 10.0 Students will list and describe the major geologic and biologic events and processes, geography, lifeforms, and global environment of the Cenzoic Earth.
Reviewer Comments
Key: 127